UPDATES (who even read these lmfao) [ 2024 ] + 23/8: hi. long time no update. changed css, and added nexus characters in /oc.html. + 26/7: updated the colours in the css. next up: trying to make the other page look consistent. + 23/7: new guestbook link. the actual page is still the same. + 20/7: FUCK explaining shit, index.html changed. why? why not. this is a personal site anyways. * new gallery.html layout (this was a while ago but i changed the frame a bit today so) * hey wouldnt it be funny if i make the theme looks lcars ish a bit + 16/7: yesterday's updates SHOULD be up in an hour or so. * cruel king shrine dropped woah...... * yes thats right this mf updated the layout AGAIN + 15/7: updates now uses a txt file for easier formatting. * added oc.html + 10/7: another day of working on this site to distract myself. no more index page its RETIRED (WHAT!!!!!). trying to make this site less "for other's viewing" and more of a "my haunted mansion" vibe ok. disclaimers are moved here as a result. * shrines have notes to tell if whether or not the page is responsive now. + 9/7: take a while guess. (hint: things look different) * in all seriousness though, updated css, info.html, and overall look of the site. also updated the index page a bit. * new log.html layout. + 6/7: lots of updates made, mostly in css. * moved owl to index. + 30/6: BIG updates to the sauron shrine + 28/6: theres now an owl protecting this site! finally, i dont have to deal with the dark lord's minions stealing my stuff + 27/6: added /misc/favs.html + 25/6: font is now ms gothic!! + 21/6: tried to customise the preview box. MIGHT not work. help. how. + 18/6: added log.html and misc.html + 17/6:othersites.html exists now, moved site button to that page. cliques have been moved to othersites.html * shrines.html exists now (since last night actually). * header exists on home.html now (when i ACTUALLY draw it). * YOU DID NOT SEE ME ACCIDENTALLY PASTING THE WRONG FILE WHOOPS (file in question being othersites.html) + 16/6: site OFFICIALLY exists now, still a wip